Generic Pre-populated Models in Fluent

Here’s another example of a Model that is DBgeneric, but also comes with prepopulated data.

Let’s use the example of Continent ↤⇉ Country.

That is a one - to many relationship, where for one Continent there are multiple Countries. And not vice-versa.

Define Generic Model

import Async
import Fluent
import Foundation

public final class Continent<D>: Model where D: QuerySupporting, D: IndexSupporting {
  public typealias Database = D
  public typealias ID = Int
  public static var idKey: IDKey { return \.id }
  public static var entity: String {
    return "continent"
  public static var database: DatabaseIdentifier<D> {
    return .init("continent")
  var id: Int?
  var name: String
  var alpha2: String
  init(name: String, alpha2: String) { = name
    self.alpha2 = alpha2

extension Continent: Migration where D: QuerySupporting, D: IndexSupporting { }

Define Static Data

let continents : [[String: String]] = [
  ["name": "Africa", "alpha2": "AF"],
  ["name": "Antarctica", "alpha2": "AN"],
  ["name": "Asia", "alpha2": "AS"],
  ["name": "Europe", "alpha2": "EU"],
  ["name": "North America", "alpha2": "NA"],
  ["name": "Oceania", "alpha2": "OC"],
  ["name": "South America", "alpha2": "SA"],
  ["name": "Nothing", "alpha2": "NN"]

A note : generic classes cannot hold data, so define your insertable data outside.

Define the DDL Methods for Field Definitions, Indexes and Relations

internal struct ContinentMigration<D>: Migration where D: QuerySupporting & SchemaSupporting & IndexSupporting {
  typealias Database = D
  static func prepareFields(on connection: Database.Connection) -> Future<Void> {
    return Database.create(Continent<Database>.self, on: connection) { builder in
      //add fields
      try builder.field(for: \Continent<Database>.id)
      try builder.field(for: \Continent<Database>.name)
      try builder.field(for: \Continent<Database>.alpha2)
      try builder.addIndex(to: \.name, isUnique: true)
  static func prepareInsertData(on connection: Database.Connection) ->  Future<Void>   {
    let futures : [EventLoopFuture<Void>] = { continent in
      let name = continent["name"]!
      let alpha2 = continent["alpha2"]!
      return Continent<D>(name: name, alpha2: alpha2).create(on: connection).map(to: Void.self) { _ in return }
    return Future<Void>.andAll(futures, eventLoop: connection.eventLoop)

Here’s an Example for a Foreign Key Relationships

internal struct CountryMigration<D>: Migration where D: QuerySupporting & SchemaSupporting & IndexSupporting & ReferenceSupporting {
  typealias Database = D
//MARK: - Create Fields, Indexes and relations
  static func prepareFields(on connection: Database.Connection) -> Future<Void> {
    return Database.create(Country<Database>.self, on: connection) { builder in
      //add fields
      try builder.field(for: \Country<Database>.id)
      try builder.field(for: \Country<Database>.name)
      try builder.field(for: \Country<Database>.numeric)
      try builder.field(for: \Country<Database>.alpha2)
      try builder.field(for: \Country<Database>.alpha3)
      try builder.field(for: \Country<Database>.calling)
      try builder.field(for: \Country<Database>.currency)
      try builder.field(for: \Country<Database>.continentID)
      try builder.addIndex(to: \.name, isUnique: true)
      try builder.addIndex(to: \.alpha2, isUnique: true)
      try builder.addIndex(to: \.alpha3, isUnique: true)
      //referential integrity - foreign key to parent
      try builder.addReference(from: \Country<D>.continentID, to: \Continent<D>.id, actions: .init(update: .update, delete: .nullify))

Needs to conform to ReferenceSupporting as well.

Implement The required Methods: prepare and revert

  static func prepare(on connection: Database.Connection) -> Future<Void> {
    let futureCreateFields = prepareFields(on: connection)
    let futureInsertData = prepareInsertData(on: connection)
    let allFutures : [EventLoopFuture<Void>] = [futureCreateFields, futureInsertData]
    return Future<Void>.andAll(allFutures, eventLoop: connection.eventLoop)
  static func revert(on connection: Database.Connection) -> Future<Void> {
    do {
      // Delete all names
      let futures = try { continent -> EventLoopFuture<Void> in
        let alpha2 = continent["alpha2"]!
        return try Continent<D>.query(on: connection).filter(\Continent.alpha2, .equals, .data(alpha2)).delete()
      return Future<Void>.andAll(futures, eventLoop: connection.eventLoop)
    catch {
      return connection.eventLoop.newFailedFuture(error: error)

Add Migrations

In configure.swift add the code:

migrations.add(migration: ContinentMigration<SQLiteDatabase>.self, database: .sqlite)

And the migration worked:

Prev: Generic Migrations in Fluent

Next: Generic Migrations in Fluent Part 2

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